Art Doctors release Toolkit for Gallery Visits
As part of our 2018/19 project Who’s Afraid of Contemporary Art? (funded by Leeds Inspired and supported by East Street Arts and Leeds Art Gallery) the Art Doctors, in consultation with community groups in Leeds, made a Toolkit for Gallery Visits.
The Toolkit contains a number of different cards that you can take with you on your next visit to an art gallery. They contain top tips that might make it more fun, and maybe just a little bit less scary…
Question Card: Take the Question Card with you on your next visit to a gallery. Use it to start conversations with other people or in your own head.
Action Card: Take an Action Card with you on your next visit to a gallery. Use it to think about your visit, or the artwork you see, a bit differently.
Activity Card: Use an Activity Card before, during or after your visit to a gallery to help you become an artist too.
Filed under: Art Doctors, Projects